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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    - in signed mode firmware with specific CID can only be applied to phone with same CID
    - in unsigned mode or in signed mode with enabled alternative security bypass you can ignore firmware CID.
    - patch unlock is temporary, after reflash phone will be locked again
    - full unlock is permanent

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  3. #2
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    Feb 2010



    common for all CID:
    1. go to semc tab, select proper model
    2. add to firmware area correct MAIN, FS IMAGE parts of firmware. order not important.
    3. select in misc. field needed CUSTPACK (.zip archive with customization files)
    4. if you do not have CUSTPACK, you MUST check on settings "customize phone after flash"
    5. please read notes below
    6. set other settings according your needs.
    7. back to semc tab, press flash.

    CID 17,24,41,42,54

    unsigned mode
    3. skip
    4. skip
    5. on settings, uncheck signed mode, alternative security bypass, preloader security bypass,customize phone after flash.

    for BROWN CID 41,42,73 you must disassemble phone and do testpoint operation.
    testpoint is simple GND wire attached to specific points on phone board.
    (upload testpoint pictures)
    in that case, step 5 will be:

    5. on settings, check only "use tespoint (gnd method)"

    you can use special 'dual" usb+serial cable in order to significantly increase flashing speed for such phones.
    you can not use script for such phones.

    CID 16,29,36,37,49
    signed mode
    5. check signed mode

    unsigned mode
    5. on settings, uncheck "signed mode", "alternative security bypass"

    you can only use USB as interface for phones with CID 49, some CID 36 phones can be upgraded to CID 49 via writing of corresponding EROM.
    restoration files required for phones with CID 49

    CID 50,51,52,53

    signed mode
    5. check signed mode

    standalone altbypass mode
    5. check "signed mode", "use alternative security bypass"

    restoration files required
    bypass package required
    please read FAQ post about alternative security bypass.

    that is preferred mode if you want to do some additional operations during flashing process.
    starting from v1.1280 this method do not require restoration and bypass package files.
    however, you can not use USB as interface in this method anymore

    please note, that if you put in misc. edit any file, which is NOT custpack archive, it will be treated as script command file.

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  5. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    CID 17

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to lg tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on lg tab
    6. press unlock button

    please note, than recent firmwares can't be unlocked with such method,use cid 41,42 path or downgrade firmware.

    CID 24

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to sharp tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on sharp tab
    6. press unlock button

    in some cases you must flash special patched firmware from support area before unlock.

    CID 41,42

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to lg tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on lg tab
    6. press unlock button

    Skip next instructions, if you using setool2 >= v1.1104
    if phone BROWN CID 41,42 then you must disassemble phone and do very easy testpoint.
    testpoint is simple GND wire , attached to needed point on phone board.

    step 4 should be like that:

    4. on settings tab, check "use testpoint (gnd method):

    testpoint pictures : 8180 testpoint.jpg u8380tpbestcool9ay.jpg

    CID 16,29,36,37

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    that CID is obsolete and upgrade to CID 49 via writing corresponding EROM recommended.
    you can not use USB as interface for such phones with CID.

    recovery operation supported for such phones, damaged EROM can be restored without problems.
    no any special files required for such phones.

    CID 49

    standalone method

    1. select com/ufs/usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    you can not use USB as interface, if SCRC damaged ( IMEI mismatch in IDENTIFY output )
    restoration files required for that method.
    that files could be downloaded from support area or created automatically :
    place main part of unsupported firmware in firmware area,press identify and attach phone with unsupported firmware.

    this method is removed from setool2 ( starting from v1.1280 ), use reset-based standalone unlock.

    CSCA method

    1. select usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    that is not recommended method for unlocking such phones, slow and useless.
    you can not repair damaged SCRC via that method.

    recovery operation not supported for such phones, reset operation should be used in order to repair damaged EROM.
    you can repair damaged GDFS, damaged SCRC standalone for such phones.

    CID 50,51,52,53

    standalone patch unlock method via alternative security bypass

    1. select com/ufs/usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode","alternative security bypass"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    you can not use that method , if SCRC damaged ( IMEI mismatch in IDENTIFY output )
    restoration files required for that method.
    bypass packages required for that method.
    please read FAQ post about alternative security bypass.

    this method is removed from setool2 ( starting from v1.1280 ), use standalone reset-based method

    standalone RESET-based method

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode","alternative security bypass"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    that is recommended method to use with that phones
    you can fix SCRC using that method

    CSCA method

    1. select usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    please note,that phones with cid51,52,53 require credits and internet access in order to unlock using CSCA method.
    that is obsolete method, should not be used,because it long and credit-consuming

    recovery operation not supported for such phones,
    reset operation should be used in order to repair damaged EROM,damaged GDFS, damaged SCRC.

    CID 54

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to lg tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, uncheck all settings.
    5. back on lg tab.
    6. add to firmware area special patched firmware from support area.
    7. press flash

    if any trouble happens, you must reflash phone with original ( not patched ) firmware.

    testpoint picture to use, when original firmware can't be flashed : tp8550.JPG

    CID 73

    disassemble phone.

    1. select com/ufs as interface
    2. go to sharp tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "use tespoint (gnd method)"
    5. back on sharp tab
    6. press unlock button, attach testpoint when asked

    testpoint pictures : 703SH%202006%20no%20need%20open%20the%20phone.jpg64ed070aeeb5eb62d36dca8d45c7b618.JPG

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  7. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    common for all CID:
    1. go to semc tab, select proper model
    2. add to firmware area correct MAIN, FS IMAGE parts of firmware. order not important.
    3. select in misc. field needed CUSTPACK (.zip archive with customization files)
    4. if you do not have CUSTPACK, you MUST check on settings "customize phone after flash"
    5. please read notes below
    6. set other settings according your needs.
    7. back to semc tab, press flash.

    CID 36
    such phones should be upgraded to CID 49 via writing of corresponding EROM.

    CID 49,51,52,53

    signed mode
    5. check signed mode

    that is preferred mode if you need just flash phone.

    standalone altbypass mode
    5. check "signed mode", "use alternative security bypass"

    restoration files required
    bypass package required
    please read FAQ post about alternative security bypass.

    starting from v1.1280 this method only requires restoration and bypass package files for PNX5230-based phones.

    that is preferred mode if you want to do some additional operations during flashing process.

    please note, that if you put in misc. edit any file, which is NOT custpack archive, it will be treated as script command file.

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  9. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    CID 36

    that CID is obsolete and upgrade to CID 49 via recovery to CID 49, then writing corresponing EROM required.
    recovery operation supported for such phones, damaged EROM can be restored without problems.

    CID 49,51,52,53

    CSCA method

    1. select com/ufs/usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode","do full unlock instead usercode reset"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    that is obsolete method for unlocking such phones.
    it should only be used if you want to full unlock PNX5230-based phones.
    you can not repair damaged SCRC via that method.

    standalone patch unlock method via alternative security bypass

    1. select com/ufs/usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode","alternative security bypass"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    you can not use that method , if SCRC damaged ( IMEI mismatch in IDENTIFY output )
    restoration files required for that method.
    bypass packages required for that method.
    please read FAQ post about alternative security bypass.

    this method is removed from setool2 ( starting from v1.1280 ) and only used in PNX5230-based phones.

    RESET-based method

    standalone RESET-based method

    1. select com/ufs/usb as interface
    2. go to semc tab
    3. select correct model
    4. on settings tab, check "signed mode","alternative security bypass"
    5. back on semc tab
    6. press unlock button

    that method is NOT supported on PNX5230-based phones.
    that is recommended method to unlock DB2020-based phones.

    recovery operation not supported for DB2020 phones, reset operation should be used in order to repair damaged EROM.
    you can repair damaged GDFS, damaged SCRC via reset operation for such phones.

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  11. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010



    after flash, phone said "configuration error,please contact provider

    write custpack or use "customize phone after flash" option.

    alternative security bypass failed because of missing rest file,phone dead

    get rest file, check only preloader security bypass and press unlock or
    reflash supported firmware with "signed mode" only checked

    damaged security units, damaged gdfs area,damaged EROM

    CID 16,17,24,29,36,37

    1. select proper model
    2. on settings, check "format gdfs when writing"
    3. press recovery
    4. add to firmware area proper EROM if applicable
    5. press flash
    6. add to misc. field gdfs in .bin format
    7. press write gdfs
    8. press unlock
    9. reflash phone

    CID 41,42,54,73

    disassemble phone.

    1. select proper model
    2. on settings, check "format gdfs when writing", "use testpoint (gnd method)"
    3. add to misc. field gdfs in .bin format
    4. press write gdfs
    5. press unlock
    6. reflash phone

    you must use testpoint for such phones (upload testpoint pictures)

    CID 49

    1. select proper model
    2. on settings, check "unlock during flash process"
    3. add to firmware area proper gdfs in ssw format
    4. if desired, add to firmware area proper main,fsimage
    5. press flash

    please note, if EROM damaged on such phones, you must execute reset operation.

    CID 50,51,52,53

    this is so-called reset procedure.

    1. go to emptyboard tab
    2. select proper model
    3. on settings, check "signed mode"
    4. press recovery
    5. after succeful recovery
    6. on settings uncheck all
    7. if gdfs totally damaged, add to firmware area proper gdfs in ssw format,otherwise skip that step
    8. add to firmware area proper EROM (EROM CID >= OTP CID)
    9. press flash
    10. if needed,reflash phone on usual semc tab with needed settings.

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