- critical bugfix
- support was broken for all CID49 DB2000 phones. fixed. thx to duzz for report.
- critical bugfix
- support was broken for all CID49 DB2000 phones. fixed. thx to duzz for report.
- bugfix. sometimes (very-very rare readout in ssw format was incorrect). fixed. ( thx goes to vascoff for reporting bug )
- added csca-based unlock for NEW PDA revisions and K320 (well, you can use it for all other models, except db2020-based, but it will be waste of credits)
1. insert DCU60 (only that is supported for csca unlock) in TURNED ON PHONE
2. install drivers. included drivers for PDAs (drivers\hermione) and for K320 (drivers\k320_usb_signed_drivers)
3. turn off phone, disconnect it
4. select needed model
5. check "use server for csca unlock/flash"
6. press unlock
7. when prompted, detach phone, turn it on and insert cable
8. wait until all drivers appears
9. press testpoint ok - phone will be unlocked.
- csca-unlock only supported on .198 server
- csca-unlock will NOT cure yours phone if you wrote to it GDFS from other phone
- csca-unlock will only work stable and good on DCU60
for now price for csca-unlock 5 credits
csca-logs are rare, so they will periodically deplete, while flashing-log are still be online. i will inform about it in log-info thread
- added support for DB2020 CID51 operations (flash,read/write gdfs,script,uselock reset,well, all standart operations)
- "unlock after flash" incorrectly works with sharp3g phones USB flashing. fixed.
- "unlock after flash" for lg3g+testpoint now recalc security automatically.
- misc minor bugfixes.
- cosmetic - fixed error message during lg unlock.
- cosmetic - wrong chipid (connections problems) filtered now.
- addon - added workaround for white screen problem on db2010 sibley-based phones with ST flash and db2020 phones with ST flash.
note - that is not panacea. it will only help SOMETIMES. usage is very simple - just full flash white screen phone with latest fw version using 061 setool2 version.
rest files archive finally synched with latest rest files. if you already downloaded all rest files from news thread - you not need download rest archive.
- otp<>gdfs imei check now supports latest pda firmware - some internal changes
- sadly,but in v0.91380063 DB2020 OTP CID51 support was broken, fixed
select USB as interface. that is REQUIRED.
select K610 as phone model (or any other DB2020 model, they are same)
settings - check "use server for csca unlock/flash", "do full unlock instead of usercode reset for db2020", fill your login details.
back to semc tab, press unlock, attach phone with pressed "C" (or 2+5) buttons.
wait for signature calculation, it can took about 2 minute.
if calculation will fail, your credits will NOT be deducted.
if calculation is success, then signature will be saved in backup\%imei% folder in your setool2 directory.
next, backup will be created so you will be able to restore phone if something will go wrong (hardly believe, but who knows...)
next, you will be prompted to detach phone and turn it on. do so.
detach phone.
turn it on FULLY
phone will be on 5 locks, that is normal.
connect phone to usb.
if phone will ask you switch to phone mode - switch to phone mode.
it can ask you for drivers,if you not installed them previously.
install all drivers (links below)
be SURE that you install all drivers correctly.
press "testpoint ok"
procedure will continue,phone will be switched off and unlocked.
remember, if something will go wrong - you have a backup of security units.
cost of DB2020 unlock is 12 credits.
currently, BOTH servers are supporting DB2020 unlock
as usual, credits will NOT be recovered in case of connection failures.
it will work, if you UNCHECK option "do full unlock instead of usercode reset for db2020" and press UNLOCK.
because of recent problems with sql server on support area, i will post links to new version and phone drivers here. hosting provider are informed about probles and, hopefully, they will be solved.
- it was reported, that on some rare db2020 phones you got following error
it has been fixed.Code:loader unlock: executed Backup security data... var not exists Fail Elapsed:22 secs.
- public testing of db2020 phones reveals a error:
if you, in same window, unlocked any NOT db2020 phone and then attempting to unlock db2020 phone - you will loose 1 credit and phone will be in "red blink" state after second step. of course, backup is created, so you can restore phone back to "live state. received signature is correct too, so yours 7 creds is not wasted. such thing has been fixed in current version.
- during csca unlock we now enumerate only present ports (to be more simple - stage 2 of csca unlock became faster in most cases)
- J220/J230/Z300 phones with "new" security supported (7-digits lock numbers)
- DB2020 CID51 full identify support
- DB2020 CID51 EROM upgrade
- minor bugfixes.
mostly it is cosmetic release, but some intresting things added.
- added strings for several "missing" db2020 models. semc model list sorted
- changed csca unlock stage 2 behaviour - it will search phone now until phone will be found or until you press stop. that must help save credits for some ppl.
- changed PDA detection. must be better and faster now. (remember : attach PDA only when you told to do so)
- changed script command "gdfsread" behaviour - now if you read several gdfs units from script, all units will go as one file named %imei%, instead of old "one file per one unit" behaviour
- setool2 will now save full session logs in directory "logs"
- updated patch-loaders from DB2010/DB2020 (white screen "solution")
- other cosmetic fixes, more info displayed sometimes,etc.
- new bugs, of course. waiting for reports to fix it![]()